Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Brotherhood in human beings!

It is disheartening to see Indian society divided into so many religions, caste and sub-caste system.

When did this all start? No specific answer but I am sure the society was not always like this. Indian ancient and most respected spiritual book series "Vedas" teach us -

श्रृण्वन्तु विश्वे अमृतस्य पुत्राः ।
Listen! You all are one, sons of GOD.

'Vedas' also teach us -

अज्येष्ठासो अकनिष्ठास एते सं भ्रातरो वावृधुः सौभागाय ॥
No one is better or worse than you, you are all brothers. Together, move forward for prosperity and happiness.

Somewhere, this thinking got lost. The more I read such stuff, the more I fall in love with the Vedic period.

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